Assessment is the systematic basis for making inferences about the learning and development of applicants. RBox comes with an Integrated Assessments Module which allows you to create Assessments to assess quality and skills of your candidates. Assessments module has been given under Tools menu of the product as shown below:

Using these templates, you can add Assessments requests for Candidates to be worked upon by Candidates or User on the behalf of the Candidates. Whenever an Assessment request is added for a candidate, an e-mail containing the assessment link is sent to each of them. After a candidate answers the questions asked in the assessment, he/she will submit the assessment request. RBox enables you to review and rate the submitted answers by giving your feedback from within the assessments module.
Different Views
Assessments module given in the product mainly has four views i.e. Assessment Submissions, Requests, Templates, Assessment Types and Topics as shown here:

Assessments can be of multiple types based on the status of the candidates. Assessment types added by you can be viewed in the Types list of the module.
Assessment Templates can then be created using any of the assessment Types you have already added and are found in the Templates list view.
You can add topics of your own choice from the Topics list view under configuration menu. Each question can then be linked to a specific Topic based on the type of question. Questions which you will add and use in the Assessment Templates are added in the Questions list or you can call it as Question bank also.
All the assessment requests which you sent to the Candidate and are still to be worked upon by the Candidates can be located in Requests list of assessment module. When candidates take the assessments and submits them, you can find them in the Submissions list view given in the module.
Objects Managed
a. Assessment Type
To add an Assessment request, you will first need to define what type of assessment you wish the Candidate to take. Assessment type is based on the Rec. status i.e. Direct Candidate Application, User Screening, Manager Screening and Telephonic Round type. Below given are some System Defined Assessment Types which you can use while creating the assessment templates:
To add a new assessment Type, simply go to the Types list view and click on 'Add Assessment Type' button. Now, provide a name for your assessment Type, select any of the Rec. status and click 'Save'. You will require these assessment Types while creating your own Assessment Templates. Added Types can be updated and deleted by the User but the system defined Types are not allowed to be modified or deleted.
b. Topics
A topic is a particular subject that you discuss or write about. A single topic can have 1 or more questions linked to it. Similarly, one question can belong to 1 or more Topics. Assessments module allows you to add Topics as per your choice and to link various questions to different kind of Topics. So, each question you add in the Question bank will always be linked to 1 or more topics.
c. Assessment Template
Assessment Templates can be created from the Templates list view of assessment module by clicking the 'Add Assessment Template' button. Provide all the required details i.e. Name, Type, Format(Text/Picture/Audio/Video/Mixed) etc.
Assessment can be saved as Draft if not designed completely. Once the design and content of the Template is finalized, Draft assessment Templates can be Published. Only Published templates will be visible to the User while adding Assessment requests for candidates.
If you have some assessment templates already added in the list, you can clone them by using 'Make Copy' action given there and make changes in the cloned template as per your requirement. You can also delete the Templates which are no longer in use.
d. Template Questions
For each template, you have to add questions that you wish to ask from the Candidates while taking the Assessment. Questions can be of different formats i.e. MCQ(single answer), MCQ(multiple answer), Descriptive, Picture, Audio, Video and File. You can edit, delete or re-arrange the questions as needed at any time. Questions can be picked from the Question bank directly or you can add new ones in the question manager itself.
Similar kind of questions can be grouped together by using Sections functionality given in the Question manager tool of assessment templates as shown below:
You can add/edit/delete Sections as per your requirements to categorize or group the similar type of questions. You can also re-arrange the sections based on the decision of which section to be kept where. There will always be minimum one section in the Template.
e. Question Bank
Questions list view or Question Bank is maintained in the Assessments module which allows you to create, preview, and edit stored questions. Also, added questions can be deleted or cloned at any time as per your need.
Questions can be saved in Drafts state or moved to Published state by the user. You have to specify the difficulty Level of the question such as Easy, Moderate etc. and the Topics it belongs to.
Questions from the question bank can be used directly in the Templates by simply applying search on the different types, levels, questions text etc. But, only published questions will be visible in search result while adding existing questions in the assessment templates.
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