Auto-merging during resume addition aggregates multiple versions of a candidate’s resume into a single resume
Auto-merging of updated resumes based on key candidate criteria ensures your resume database remains up-to-date with zero manual work.
Auto-Merging Process
Auto merging of duplicate resumes is done in 2 ways to optimize value:
- Replace Merge – Existing resume is replaced with incoming resume if the new resume reflects major changes by evaluating work experience & other details.
- Insert Merge – If no major change detected in work experience & employment record but incoming version of resume contains additional candidate details then these are inserted into existing resume record.
Duplicate/Merging Status Icons
RBox displays distinct icons next to each newly added resume to indicate whether it is a Fresh, Merged, or Skipped resume. Use the Resume Merge filter to filter your recently added resume view by Fresh, Merged, or Skipped resumes.
Managing Merging Process
Auto-merging may get disabled when you do a lot of manual updation of candidates, for e.g. via the Power View page. In this case you can enable auto-merging from the PSAN Manager tool on the RBox serve.
Refer to this help page for viewing the steps for this: Fixing the Merge-Pending Status of RBox Candidate Database.
RBox also allows you to unmerge last merge of a resume in case you want to undo the auto-merging of specific resumes.
You can use the unmerge feature to obtain the original version of merged resumes while RBox also allows you to manually merge two or more resumes. Manual merging can be used to club or aggregate multiple versions of a candidate’s resume into a single resume in RBox.
You can use these options from candidate list views such as: Candidates Added/Refreshed list.
Common Tasks
- Manually merge candidates
- Unmerge candidates
1. Manually merge candidates
RBox allows you to manually merge two or more resumes.You can use this to club or aggregate multiple versions of a candidate’s resume into a single resume in RBox.
- In the Candidates-Added/Refreshed list, select 1 or more candidates to merge.
- Point to 'Edit' menu and select 'Mark for Manual Merge'. The selected candidates will be moved to the 'Manual Merge' System Collection.
- Now expand 'Public Candidates->Collections->System Defined and click on 'Manual Merge Candidates (Public)' data view. The candidates marked for Manual Merge will be listed here.
- Tick next to the candidates, point to tools and select either of following options:
- Merge within Resume Set: This will merge similar resumes within the identified resume set without comparing them with the entire RBox database.
- Merge with Database: This will merge resumes within the identified resume set by comparing them with similar resumes from entire RBox database.
2. Unmerge Candidates
RBox allows you to unmerge last merge of a resume in case you want to undo the auto-merging of specific resumes and obtain the original version of merged resumes.
- In the Candidates-Added/Refreshed list, select a merged candidate to be be un-merged.
- Point to 'Edit' menu and select 'Un Merge'.
- Original version of resume & later version will now be split and displayed separately in the list. Distinct icons next to each indicate the original and latest versions of the resume.
2. Related Resources
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