This document explains how to re-register the PSAN Outlook Addin. You may need to do this in case the Addin stops functioning, is not visible in Microsoft Outlook, gets de-activated/disabled by Microsoft Outlook etc.
1. Process
Carry out the following steps to re-register the PSAN Outlook Addin.
1.0 Navigate to the following path on your computer via Windows/File Explorer on your computer. Note that you need to replace <OS-Drive> below with the drive partition on which the Operating System (OS) is installed on your computer:
<OS-Drive>:\Program Files\Platina\SPVerCommon_8_1\SPOutlookAddIn\AppFiles
1.1 Open a command prompt window by selecting the ‘Run’ option from your Windows Programs menu. Type the following command to change the current folder to the above path. Note that you need to replace <OS-Drive> below with the drive partition on which the Operating System (OS) is installed on your computer:
Cd <OS-Drive>:\Program Files\Platina\SPVerCommon_8_1\SPOutlookAddIn\AppFiles
1.2 Now register the Outlook Addin executable files from the path you navigated to in step 1.0 above.
a. Hold down the ‘Shift’ key on your keyboard and right-click on the file ‘wpoutlookmsgaddincom81.exe’.
b. In the context menu that comes up, select ‘Copy as Path’
c. Now switch to the command prompt window and right-click in the window and select the ‘Paste’ option. This will insert the path of the executable file in the command prompt as shown below:
d. Add a space next to the path pasted in the command prompt and type the following next to it:
e. Press the Enter key to run the command.
Now switch to the folder window again and register the following file as per the edition of Microsoft Outlook installed on your computer:
a. If the Microsoft Outlook installed on your computer is the 32-bit edition:
- Hold down the ‘Shift’ key on your keyboard and right-click on the file ‘wpoutlookmsgaddin81x86.exe’.
If the Microsoft Outlook installed on your computer is the 64-bit edition:
- Hold down the ‘Shift’ key on your keyboard and right-click on the
file ‘wpoutlookmsgaddin81x64.exe’.
b. In the context menu that comes up, select ‘Copy as Path’.
c. Now switch to the command prompt window and right-click in the window and select the ‘Paste’ option.
d. Add a space next to the path pasted in the command prompt and type the following next to it and press enter:
1.3 Close the Command Prompt window. This completed the process for re-registration of the Outlook Addin.
2. Related Documents
2.1. How to Setup and Configure PSAN Outlook Addin: Explains how to install and configure the PSAN Outlook Addin on a computer.
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