An auto reply message in RBox is one which is automatically generated by the application when a certain event occurs, for e.g. a message getting received, resume getting created from a message etc.
You define auto replies to be generated automatically for a predefined set of events that are available in RBox. Auto replies are used by applying them through Message Processing Rules or Message Processing Specs.
Auto replies may be defined to be valid for the duration of specific time periods by associating a start and end date with each auto reply. You can also specify either of the 2 dates. Note that auto replies that do not have a start & end date specified will always get generated.
You can create auto replies for various situations provided in RBox such as:
- Message received
- Resume extracted from message
- Resume received in text format
Common Tasks
- Create a new Auto Reply
- Modify an Auto Reply
- Use Auto Replies via a Message Processing Rule
- Use Auto Replies via a Message Processing Spec
- Delete Auto Replies
1. Create a new Auto Reply
To create an auto reply follow these steps:
- Point to the Tools menu and select 'Email Client'.
- In the Email Client screen, point to the 'Tools' menu, and select the 'Auto Replies' option. The 'Auto Replies' sheet is displayed.
- In the 'Auto Reply' menu select the 'New' option. The 'New Auto Reply' screen is displayed.
- In 'Description' specify a name for the auto reply.
- In 'Start Date' select the start date from when the auto reply will start getting generated. This is useful for generating certain types of auto replies that are valid for a given period only for e.g. out-of-office messages.
- In 'End Date' select end date till when the auto reply will get generated.
- In 'Type' specify the type of event for which the auto reply will be generated.
The following options are available:
- Message received. This defines an auto reply to be generated for each message that is received for an email account.
- Resume extracted. This defines an auto reply to be generated each time resume content is extracted from an email message.
- Resume not detected. This creates an auto reply which would be generated for each message in which no resume content was detected.
- Resume detected in text attachment. This creates an auto reply which would be generated whenever resume content is detected in a text message attachment.
- Resume detected in html attachment. This creates an auto reply which would be generated whenever resume content is detected in an HTML message attachment.
- Resume detected in message body (text). This creates an auto reply which would be generated whenever resume content is detected in the plain text body of a message.
- Resume detected in message body (html). This creates an auto reply which would be generated whenever resume content is detected in the HTML body of a message.
- Use the 'Status' field to specify whether the auto reply is active or disabled. You can use this field to disable generating the auto reply at any time.
- In 'Message' type the body text of the auto reply.
- Click 'Save' to create the auto reply.
2. Modify an Auto Reply
- Point to the Tools menu and select 'Email Client'.
- In the Email Client screen, point to the 'Tools' menu, and select the 'Auto Replies' option. The 'Auto Replies' sheet displays all existing Auto Replies.
- Click on the Auto Reply to modify. The detail screen will appear.
- Make the desired changes and click 'Save'.
3. Use Auto Replies via a Message Processing Rule
Refer to the task Create a new Message Processing Rule
4. Use Auto Replies via a Message Processing Spec
Refer to the task Apply an Ad-Hoc Message Processing Spec
5. Delete Auto Replies
- Point to the Tools menu and select 'Email Client'.
- In the Email Client screen, point to the 'Tools' menu, and select the 'Auto Replies' option. The 'Auto Replies' sheet displays all existing Auto Replies.
- Tick next to the Auto Reply to delete and click the 'Delete' button.
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